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Psychic Families & Other Questions March 29, 2015 |
Thank you for being a valued subscriber to the "Good Day to All My Friends!" newsletter. This is NOT unsolicited email - you are receiving this email because you either signed up for the newsletter at, the website for empowering highly conscious people through psychic and spiritual development, or you purchased one of my products or services. I hope you enjoy this e-zine and I LOVE all my valued subscribers, but if for whatever reason you don't resonate with this message, there is a link for you to unsubscribe at the end of this email (and don't worry, I'll still love you anyways). For a Limited Time I Will Be Giving Away My Latest Ebook on Amazon For F.R.E.EDon’t we all love freebies? I know I do. And I know this freebie’s been a while in coming round. But at last I’ve fixed the dates to offer my ebook for F.R.E.E. on Amazon. I won’t be running an Easter sale. If you’re subscribed to lots of newsletters (like me) you’ll probably receive tons of emails with Easter special deals and Easter sales. So I thought, who am I to compete with all those yummy deals coming up over the Easter holiday, right? Nope. I’ve decided to offer a POST EASTER EBOOK FREEBIE SPECIAL. So from Thursday, April 9 – Sunday, April 12, I will be offering my latest ebook, “I Love Him, He Loves Me Not: How I Left a Codependent Relationship” completely F.R.E.E. on Amazon. You probably get bombarded with about 50 million offers and special deals, so don’t worry, I’ll remind you again as the date draws near. And now, in the meantime, I noticed it’s been a while since I’ve answered any readers’ questions, and the emails are really piling up! Thank you all sooo much, folks, for writing in! So for today’s newsletter, I’ve got one reader’s specific question and two commonly asked questions: Q: I have felt and at times seen ghosts throughout my life. I also feel people, their emotions mostly. I can tell if I need to go do something but then don't and then, “I knew I should have done that!” My granddaughter has been telling me for a few years she hears a lady call her name, and sometimes say “come here”. She is very sensitive to people and their emotions also. She is 11 years old today. I am wondering is this stuff normal for us both. Thank you. A: I think it’s wonderful when several people in a family share psychic gifts and can help each other to understand and develop them! Children are especially sensitive to the presence of “invisible” beings around us, and are often able to see them or hear them. Sometimes these beings are relatives or family members who have already left the earth plane and are living in the spirit world. Spirits like to come around, hang out with their loved ones and watch what they are up to! Most of us don’t notice them. But sometimes a child will be able to see them or hear them. We also have many other spirits hanging around us. Some of them will be people that we know, but others could be people that were residing in our home before us, or just simply errant entities. They could be attracted to you or one of your family members, and decide to settle down around you...... Read the complete answer on the website by clicking here: Psychic Families & Other Questions I've received quite a few queries about who is that cool psychic reader that I praise in this post on Coolest Psychic Readers. Many people have asked me about her, and about whether they can get a reading with her personally. Or whether she gives readings over Skype or the telephone. Well, what I can tell you is that her name is Noemí. She's from Cuba and she has been reading the Tarot all her life...... Read the complete answer on the website by clicking here: Psychic Families & Other Questions Sometimes readers ask me whether I am still looking for “guinea pigs” (hehe) for Akashic Records readings practice. Actually, I no longer need “guinea pigs” for this particular modality, since I’ve already finished the course and received Certification as a Certified Soul Realignment Practitioner from Andrrea Hess several years ago. However, I personally like to be constantly expanding and learning new things. This means that every once in a while I will take up some new practice or learn a new modality. And when that happens, of course, I do need practice clients to work with, for f.ree. I’m currently considering a few new techniques that I’d like to offer through this site. I haven’t made any definite choices yet. But when and if I do, if I need practice clients, I will DEFINITELY for sure let all my beloved Subscribers in on this before telling anyone else about it, and offer the opportunity to be my practice clients to my Subscribers first. Only if I don’t receive enough responses, then I will offer it to the public in general on the website. Once again, as a reminder, I’ll be giving my ebook away for f-ree on Amazon, from Thursday, April 9 – Sunday, April 12. And as always, remember – Life is short, so...... Live your dreams today! And remember, always, that LOVE is the strongest force in the universe. LOVE is stronger than bombs, or guns, or swords. And those who are moved by LOVE will ALWAYS win, in the long run, over those who are motivated by hatred, bigotry, scorn or disdain or intolerance. With all my love, Serena Amadis If you would like to read more about the TRANSFORMATIONAL POWER OF LOVE, click here to read more about my new ebook, "The Power of Loving Yourself"...... Have you ever wondered (or worried!) about how you can properly protect your home from “unwanted visitors of an unseen nature”? Or even from "real life, solid" intruders, thieves, etc., without having to resort to a costly (and often unreliable) alarm system? Find out here at "How to Properly Protect Your Home"...... You have probably heard that souls are immortal. That souls can't die. So how, you might wonder, can a soul become fragmented? Well they can. Read more in "Fragmented Souls"...... Have you ever wondered what happens to evil people when they die? Surely they can't get the same goodies as nice people like you and me, right? Click here to read the answer in "The Gates of Heaven"...... We're like wild animals. In our world, the strongest and fittest survive. There's no room for the underlings or weak people. Right? Well, what sets us APART from animals in the wild is our COMPASSION and LOVE. Read the full article "A Litter of Kitties"...... Don't wait until it's too late to start fulfilling your dreams. Don't die with all your dreams still inside you. Find out more about living your dreams now here...... Browse through the latest articles and posts here on the The Seas Of Mintaka Site Index. Or you can go to the Seas Of Mintaka Home Page. Wishing you all the best in your life and a great day today! Seas Of Mintaka: Empowering Highly Conscious People Through Psychic and Spiritual Development If you like this e-zine, please do a friend and me a big favour and forward it to your friend. If a friend DID forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting the site at The Seas Of Mintaka and signing up in the "Subscribe" box on the right-hand column. Hope to see you around! |
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